Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage

Rainfall Index

  • Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage is a federally reinsured product that provides protection against a single peril – lack of precipitation.

  • PRF may cover all or a portion of the insured’s acreage, providing flexibility when deciding how to cover their specific risk.

  • Plan uses long-term, historical, gridded precipitation data for a grid ID and index interval.

  • The program is an area insurance plan and does not measure, capture, or use any actual crop production. The producer’s amount of production is not considered, and no on-the-ground inspection of crop condition is conducted to determine the eligibility for an indemnity payment.


Deadline Timeline:


September 1 - December 1:
Sign Up Deadline

January 1 - December 31:
PRF Crop Year

September 1:
Premium Billed

Click Here To View The PRF Fact Sheet



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